the children know every inch
of an inch
spit them out
they’ll find the soil
autumn’s cat has a white tail
a leaf meets its shadow
a line
or two
a singular poet
says no one understands me
thank for choosing today
your order number is
scanning the barcodes
on the coffins’ bury by date
when all is said and done
a minute of silence
about a Möbius curve
the cat is there
i am here
it is not
is an oxymoron
is it not
waving goodbye
i get that sinking feeling
all at sea again
migrating birds
flying out to sea
in waves
moon now moon
how the clouds rush past
the lighthouse
so many pebbles
on a beach of the world
in the milky way
my milky way
pouring away coffee dregs
spiral galaxies
shadows dancing
lightening the monotony
of a dark wall
a satisfied child
has finished a first painting
wet behind the ears