as eyes seize it
kicking dust
i fully understand rain
how many steps
tomorrow might not be another day
so many people
walk the lonely temple
silent snow fall
on the golden temple
that poet
with the bare shoulder
how thin she is
dawn’s first light and
all night’s shenanigans
in flagranté
a holiday
looking for something
that isn’t here
yon poet
dark whiteout and yet
the weight of each snowflake
is light
winter courting
a cluttering of crows
in a bare tree
spring woodpecker
rattling the castanets
crimson fandango
a cluttered pair of crows
the last leaf
on a corkscrew hazel
is called a wren
you would think so wouldn’t you
during the hail
the sky a funny colour
then it rained
winter hedge
watching my neighbour’s tv
another repeat
how sad
the lanterns have gone out
ships in the bay
a boat
divested of its rope
floats away
perhaps yes
perhaps no
oh i don’t know
moving the mountain moves
a welsh shawl
around a sequinned dress
the baby wriggling
just breaks you heart
down childhood’s lane
pals passing the time of day
running with the hare
dawn’s first light
night’s lanterns are going out
the birds are leaving
ginger hair
billowing in the solar wind
from a sun spot
waiting for the engineer
twelve steps across our lounge
thirteen back
dressage practice
stop crying and trot on
says older sister
will it snow
probably not
he replied
somewhere deep
in clover’s sweet pink suns
a winter is born
that squirrel
frozen like a rock
is a rock
cold cell
the monk has a warm room
inside his head
dancing butterflies
they seem so pleased to see me
i bow to them all
adopting a pose
the young are not thinking
of their obituaries
whether forecast
it might snow
or it might not
in a pink dawn
as snowflakes start to fall
soft music
a snowflake
visited the great pagoda
then it melted
tea time
in the bottom of the mug
my father’s wry smile
using colour
painting the trees into life
she opened my eyes
in the spring
we collected tadpoles
for they were us
some days
the routine of an old cat
and me
this tree
is growing here
not over there
rabbits in the lamplight do not see the hunters pot
there are no handrails on the glaciers
twelfth night
the ferris wheel in pieces
happy new year
it is a long night
for those of us awake
but not you sleepers
two poets eavesdropping on two poems talking
It is by going through the cold that we get the warmth
blinded by angst
in a leap without faith
two lanterns
a cat is contemplating
doctors surgery
a flashing christmas tree
january two
in a gap in the storm
i take the bins out
i pass an earthquake
time for coffee
before and after midnight
missing the point
you told me
all your childhood memories
i told you mine