as eyes seize it
winkle pickers
ice blue drainpipe jeans
baked beans!
scene from the very early 1960s
after dark
the lads in the park
are men
nibbling at my words
the summer geese are shitting
on my new poem
ten thousand grains
this beach is full of poets
flotsam & jetsam
a child knee deep
in wonder
snow warming
welcome to the yellow house
in the bare trees
millions of poets
are writing their haiku
on a grain of sand
the snail carries his house
the cat her sunshine
the blues of dusk
imperceptibly changing
of time was
the cat waiting
for my chair
snow storm
a cough sweet blowing
hot and cold
newspaper reading
the winter sky is dawning
it occurred to me
of autumn leaves under ice
when snow is forecast
together again
after many days away
winter sunshine
washing machine
the lonely tutt tutt tutting
of your buttons